

Non-sugar Anpan has come true by the local chemist from Akita-ken!

 A chemist from the city of Noshiro in Akita Prefecture has been successful in developing a new type of ‘Anpan’ (one of the popular Japanese bread containing azuki bean jam inside) which the patients with diabetes have been longing for up until now. The new Anpan has been ‘born’ after six-month trials and errors with a help from the proprietor’s friend who is running a bakery shop (白神パン工房 or ‘Shiragami Pan-Kooboo’). This Anpan does not contain any sugary substances, and thus does not cause an increase (or shooting up) of blood suger level among the patients with diabetes. Apparantely, the bread is the first of its kind.

I feel in the future, more and more product development like this one will prosper as a business for those people who are going through diet restrictions because of their illnesses.

出典:asahi.com 2008年7月30日の記事より
Source: asahi.com, 30 July 2008


旅先でお金を両替したいときがありますよね。イギリス留学中、私は生まれて初めてイギリスの銀行に入り、10ポンド札を全額50ペンスにくずして欲しいと頼んだことがあります。しかし、行員に10ポンド札を見せながら、気の利いたフレーズが出てこないのです。’I want this ten pounds….. well, I mean that 50 pence…., hmmm….’ みたいな感じで、なかなか通じません。行員も私のことを理解しようとして、一生懸命です。最後に、私が ‘Could I have twenty 50 pence please?’ と言ったら、’Oh, you mean, you would like to have ten pounds in 50 pence!!!’ とパラフレーズされて、やっと意味が通じました。このとき表現を耳にして、「何だこんな簡単な言い方でよかったのか。前置詞の ‘in’ は、こういう風に使えるんだ。便利だな」と思ったことを今でもはっきり覚えています。ちょっとした、過去の私の失敗談ですが、語学は数多くの「失敗」という貴重な経験を通して、上達するということを皆さんも銘記しておいてください。英語で表現するのに苦労した分、それが解決したときの快感も、倍増します。いろいろ英語表現で困った経験を持つと、自分の周りで誰がどのように英語を使っているか、注意深く観察する癖が付いてきます。

話がそれましたが、「お金をくずす」ときは、前置詞の ‘in’ が要になっていることを覚えておきましょう。以下、いくつかの例文です。

(1)Could I have 10 pounds in 10 pence please?

(2)I would like to have this 10 dollars in 10 cent, please.

(3)Could I have this 10,000 yen note in 1,000 yen note please?

(4)Would it be possible to have 50 pounds all in one pound?



Today, I have read all the papers handed by you on 25 July, and you will be very glad to hear what I am going to say about your work now: I am very impressed and pleased to see your writing, and also I am very proud of what you have achived through this demanding assignment. You must have put lots of time and energy to this assignment.

Some of you have actually written in your reports that initially it looked almost impossible to complete this bilingual report in time. However, in the end almost all of you did manage to finish it. So I reckon that you now have some kind of sense of great achievement. I hope out of this special project and through my lectures, you have become more comfortable with speaking and writing English; I also hope that you now have become more confident, positive and willing to speak English through all kinds of activities we did together in the first half term. Thank you so much for your participation in and cooperation  with my classes. Looking forward to seeing you in October!




英語表現(その5)’sticky end’

在英中、恩師から良く耳にした表現の1つに、’You will have a sticky end.’ というのがあります。意味は、「その内、ひどい目に遭うよ」に近いと思います。映画やドラマで主人公が ‘a sticky end’ を迎えると、最悪の場合、「死ぬ」こともあります。仮に「死」を免れても、刑務所行きになるとか、悪事が周囲にばれてしまい村八分になるといった場合も考えられます。

During my stay in the UK, my ex-tutor originally from England often used the following expression: ‘You wil have a sticky end!’ My understanding to this phrase is something like ‘You will be in a big trouble in the future.’ This phrase can be used in many situations. For example, the main character from a given film or drama may ‘have a sticky end’ as a plot where he/she could die in the worst possible scenario. Or in a less dramatic way, the main character could be sent to prison, or the wrong-doing itself was exposed against his/her will and hence, he/she becomes the public enemy number one! 


So if you come across someone who is so self-centrered or selfish in his/her mannerism or thinking, or someone who finds pleasure in pointing out your clumsy handling of a certain task, or someone who laughts at your shortcomings, then use this expression to tell off the person in question that all the negative waves he/she sends out in the end all come back to him/her as a karma: ‘I am sure one day you will have a sticky end if you say (do) such a thing to people!’ Of course, the phrase can be used with a semi-joking and semi-warning tone to your friend in a less serious way. So use it with a right tone of your voice. 


The previous statement applies to all the expressions in English (well, also in Japanese, come to think of it). The same thing can be interpreted in a totally different way depending on how you say it, ie what kind of tone of voice you use. That is, you could sound very serious if you stick to a serious tone of voice, or you may sound jocular if you use a joking tone of voice. In this way, you could give totally different impression to the listener.

例えば、私が講義中に堂々と眠っている一人の学生の肩を軽く叩いて目覚めさせ、物凄く深刻な声のトーンで、’You will have a sticky end.’ と言えば、「単位を落とすことになるよ。」というレベルの「警告」になるでしょうし、もっと穏やかな声のトーンで、諭すように言えば、「(別に、罰として課題の量とかを増やしたりはしないが、)講義中に寝ては駄目だよ。」という注意程度で留めることもできます。

For example, if I spot one of my students nodding off during my lecture, and taps his/her shoulder and say in a serious manner ‘You will have a sticky end.’, the message could sound quite strong to suggest the following: ‘If you fall asleep in my lecture, you are likely to fail.’ Alternatively, I could be less stern with my student, and use much kinder tone of voice and say the same thing. In this case, ‘You will have a sticky end’ could be taken as a mild caution to the student to mean the following: ‘(I am not going to punish you for your conduct in my lecture, say, by increasing the workload of a given assignment), but be careful not to fall asleep during the lecture!’ 

最後に、1つ。自分の親に対して「もっと、○○○に生んでくれたらよかったのに!」と嘆いているあなた!’I gurantee that you do have a sticky end!’

Finally, if you happen to be one of these people who often deplores to your parents saying, ‘If only I had not inherited all your bad genes!’, then you are certainly going to have a stikcy end!!!

英語表現(その4)’on the tip of my tongue’


Person A: What is the scientific term in English for 光合成 (koogousei’)?

Person B: Ooops! I thought I knew it, but now I am not quite sure I do. Hmmm, doesn’t it sound something like ‘photo’….?

Person A: Yes, that sounds familiar to me. Oh, how annyoing! The term is on the tip of my togue, but I cannot remember it exactly.

Person B: I’ve got it! It is ‘photosynthesis’!

Person A: That’s it! Thanks. You are genius!!!

英語表現(3)’A chip on your shoulder’

イギリスの家庭でホームステイをしていた1980年代後半、毎週日曜日にBBC1で放映されていた「East Enders」というドラマがありました。ロンドンの下町に住む人たちの日々の出来事を描いた「メロドラマ」に近い番組でした。地元の人々が仕事が終わると、’Queen Victoria’ というパブに皆が立ち寄って、いろいろな情報交換やゴシップをするシーンが良く出てきていました。人間、お酒が入ってついつい余計なことを口走ったりすると、誰かと口論になることもあります。パブの中でも、昔の事件や喧嘩のことを根に持っている人が、機会を捉えては口論になることもありました。または、完全な誤解が原因で、誰かと取っ組み合いの喧嘩(けんか)になることもありました。喧嘩(けんか)の最中や一段落したシーンで、’He has a chip on his shoulder. Do not take any notice of him.’ などの台詞が出てきたのを記憶しています。

I was staying with an English family in Kent in the late 80s. On every Sunday afternoon, while we were having a hearty Sunday lunch, we all watched ‘East Enders’ on BBC One. In those days, it was one of the most popular soap operas in the UK. The programme featured the day-to-day social life of the people living in the east end of London. The local people made a habit of stopping by the ‘Queen Vic’ (well, that how they called the pub anyway) where they met their friends or aquaintances and caught up with their latest news or just had some chats with each other. When you are toxicated, you could easily got carried away and say something silly to someone which you regret afterwards. Similar things happened during the programme(s) where two parties started to have a quarrel over something trivial. At the Queen Vic, people started a quarrel out of the grudge from the past incident(s) or fight(s) between the parties involved, or out of an utter misunderstanding over something. Sometimes, the quarrel developed into a serious fight inside or outside the pub. In the middle of the fight or after the fight, onlookers around the fighers often said to one of the parties involved, ‘He has a chip on his shoulder. Do not take any notice of him.’ That is more or less how I remember coming a contact with this expression.

PS-Mind you, initially the Cockney accent was so hard to understand because they drop every ‘h’ sound in their English speech! Furthermore, the voiced ‘th’ sound is pronunced as ‘v’ sound. So an English word ‘another’ actually sounds like ‘anover’, or ‘mother’ sounds like ‘mover’! However, in the end, I more or less overcome this accent problem, and started to enjoy the programme. Spending a lot of time in front of a ‘telly’ did me a good education on the typical accents of British English. Now I can recognise the following varieties of English: Welsh English, Scottish English, Rhotic accent in Devon and Cornwall area, Kentish accent, Yorkshire accent, Irish accent, Standard English accent, Hyperlect (an accent heard with some people from an upper class family). Outside Britain, I can recognise Australian accent as well as American accent.

この表現に出てくる、chip とは「小さな木片」のことです。なんでも、昔は「決闘」のときに一方の人物の肩に木片を置き、相手に殴られるのを覚悟で、その木片を払いのけるよう挑発したのがこの表現の始まりだそうです。

‘Chip’ in this expression means ‘a small piece of wood’. I have heard that this idiom has the following origin: in days gone by in America, one of the parties involved with the fight put a chip on his shoulder and provoked the other party to knock it off at the risk of being punched back. 

今では、何か瑣末なことがきっかけで、妙にふてくされた態度や、嫌悪感をあからさまにして「喧嘩腰」になっている人、劣等感やひがみなどから挑発的になっている人に対して用いられます。大したことでもないのに、相手が喧嘩腰になってきたら、使ってみましょう。私の持っているDVDバージョンのコーパス—BNC (British National Corpus)—には、以下の例が載っていました。

Now ‘a chip on his/her shoulder’ is used for someone who meets the following criterion: being sulky, provocative because of a grudge or an inferiority complex. So if someone becomes nasty to you and dares to have a fight, you could say to him/her, ‘You have a chip on your shoulder’.  On the DVD edition of British National Corpus (BNC), I have come across the following example.

‘He had a bit of a chip on his shoulder because he felt that other people who were not so good but who had the right background and connections had gotten ahead of him.’

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The Gruffalo(英語の絵本)

過去、市内の短大でテキストとして使用していたことがあった絵本です。英語圏の4歳から8歳までの子供向けの本ですが、多読の入門書の1冊としても十分楽しめます。夏休みに多読に挑戦してみようと考えている人、本屋で注文してみるとよいでしょう。本の詳細は、amazon のサイトを参照してください。

In the past, I often used this book as a textbook at a certain junior college in Hiroshima. The book is aimed at readers from four to eight years old, and I certainly recommend this book as one of the Extensive Reading books (‘ER’ hereafter) during your summer holiday. If you are going to take up ER this summer, then this book may well be an ideal book to start with. Why don’t you order it today on-line! The detail of the book is available from Amazon Japan. Click here!

PS-I have always felt that ‘The Grufallo’ is a very funny story which can be enjoyed by the entire faimly, but at the same time very witty (I must say that the little mouse in question is really clever!), and there is an element of a surprise (well, towards the end of the episode, the mouse actually….). I shall not tell the ‘surprising’ bit because I do not want to spoil your excitement!



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(2)日本語レポート: 明朝11ポイント